Well Where Are You Going To Train?

Well Where Are You Going To Train?

To start RuneScap you first click the “Create a free account” button, which looks like this: Select a username (maximum twelve characters), read and agree to the terms of service, and create a password (between five and twenty characters). Make sure you keep this password safe, and do not make it anything obvious. Including numbers is a good idea.

After these simple steps, your account is ready to be played! The first thing you must do in RuneScape is select your clothes, hair, skin color, etc. All of this is self-explanatory; use the arrows to select a different style/color, and click “male” or “female.” Once you are satisfied with your character’s look, click “accept.” Read the information at the bottom of the screen, you are now in the tutorial, which teaches you the basic movement operations and how to do things. Keep in mind that you right click on objects or characters which brings up a small menu to interact with them, left click on the ground to walk, and use the arrow keys to rotate the view left, right, up, and down. After talking to the RuneScape guide, you proceed out the door and into a fence-enclosed area with a pond.

Here you will talk to the survival; expert, receive a few starting items, and learn the skills of woodcutting, firemaking, fishing, and basic cooking. Watch the thin bar at the bottom of the screen to check your progress through the tutorial, or Tutorial Island, as it is known. Remember to read carefully all information you are told. From the survival area, you move on to the kitchen. The master chef there will gladly advance your knowledge of cooking by letting you cook bread on a range. He also explains the music of RuneScape, available on high detail only. After exiting west out of the kitchen, you will learn how to run down to the quest guide’s house, and learn about the different quests you can complete in the game. Climb down the ladder, and you’ll find yourself in the presence of the mining instructor, who will show you how to prospect, mine, and smelt ore. Then you will learn how to make weapons out of the bars. Continue through the gates and you will meet Vanaka, the self-proclaimed “greatest swordsman alive.” He does look like it; with a dragon shield and monstrous sword. Don’t worry, though, this warlord will teach you how to fight with both melee and ranging, as well as how to equip and unequip weapons instead of using his strength against you. To practice the valued art of combat, you must enter the rat pit and fight Giant Rats. These rodents will put up a tough fight for your level, so you may lose some hitpoints while fighting. Don’t worry; you can’t die in the tutorial. But beware; you can die while fighting in other places. Once out of the combat caves, you’ll find yourself journeying to the bank. Here you will learn how to access your bank and how to make money from a certified accountant.

Continue your Tutorial Island adventure with a trip to the monastery, where you will learn how to level up in the religious art of prayer, and how to interact with fellow RuneScape players with your Friends and Ignore lists. Finally, you will end your tutorial learning how to practice magic, casting a basic spell on a chicken, and receiving a few runes (the “batteries” of magic in RuneScape) to start out with. This mage will kindly teleport you to Lumbridge, a small city in RuneScape, where you will begin your real journey as an adventurer.

Traveling in RuneScape

RuneScape is a fairly large game, with many places to go and to see. This section will explain the nonmembers’ areas of RuneScape. If you are a member, chances are you don’t need to be reading this guide. There are about three primary cities in RuneScape, and some secondary ones as well. The three main primary ones are Al Kharid, Falador, and Varrock, from smallest to largest.

Varrock is the main nonmembers’ city, with merchants and PKers there all the time. There are two banks, at each end of the city, and a wide variety of shops as well. Varrock is close to the wilderness (the large, dangerous area to the north where players can kill each other), so be prepared to be challenged while wandering the northern streets. You can not die while in Varrock, though, the wilderness area is more north!

Then there’s Falador, if you go west of Varrock, past Barbarian Village, and a bit south. Sometimes abbreviated as “Fally,” Falador is a good city, with two banks and a few shops. This is where many miners come to bank their ores mined at the Dwarven mines (located a little bit north of Falador). You will also find the legendary White Knight’s Castle here, a good training place once you become more experienced and higher-leveled. The Varrock-Falador commute is one of the longest you will make, and I found that I made it quite often.

Al Kharid, the desert city, is the farthest settlement in eastern nonmembers’ land. Here you will find a bank, a range, a castle, a few shops; all the necessities of a successful city. You can also train low-leveled fishing here at the fishing spots of shrimp and anchovies.

Another secondary city, Lumbridge, is where you go when you are killed anywhere in RuneScape. Here you will find a general store, Bob’s Axes, and, of course, the Lumbridge Castle itself. This city is fairly close to Al Kharid, so you may find yourself making this commute a lot as well.

Draynor Village, a secondary little town, is good for woodcutting; as there are four yew trees east of this town, and a bank at the southern end. You can also find Diango, an interesting toys salesman, at the market area of the town. Draynor Manor, a creepy old mansion, is north of this quiet village, waiting for an adventurer to complete a quest inside…

Edgeville, a northern edge town, houses many PKers coming in for a food break. There is also an entrance to a great training dungeon here, along with a couple yew trees. There is a general store here, and that is about it, a small town, ‘tis.

Port Sarim is another small, dockside town. Here you can travel to Karamja to fight lesser demons or fish lobsters and swordfish off of its docks. Port Sarim itself features a ring shop, and a fishing supplies store. Located a little west of Draynor, come here for your jewelry or fishing needs.

Barbarian Village, one of the smallest places in RuneScape, is focused on crafting. Being a good training place for low-levels as well, it marks the midpoint between Falador and Varrock.

Rimmington, the last town we will discuss, also has a crafting shop and four yew trees. Having  RUNESCAPE  and being far away from one, this town is not very practical for basic visitation.

To get to all of these places, you can either:

1) Walk- requires no energy, however considerably slower than other transportation

2) Run- uses up energy, you learned how to do this in the tutorial, the speed of the energy it uses up depends on the weight you are carrying

3) Teleport- the fastest, obviously, however this requires runes and advanced magic level. You can only do this between Varrock, Falador, and Lumbridge.

This section will give you a basic overview of each one of the nonmembers’ skills.

Attack- One of the four melee combat skills, raising this skill determines how often you hit your opponent. Getting this skill to certain levels also allows you to wield different types of weapons.

Defense- One of the four melee combat skills, raising this skill determines how often your opponent hits you; the higher it is, the less you get hit. This skill determines what types of armor you can wear.

Strength- One of the four melee combat skills, raising this skill determines how hard you hit; the higher it is, the more damage you do.

Ranging- The art of archery, for nonmembers. Raising this allows you to wield different bows, wear different ranging armor, and increase the strength and accuracy of your arrows. This is a combat stat.

Prayer- Raising this religious little skill allows you to use different prayers to increase your odds of winning in a combat situation. This is raised by burying bones. This is also a combat stat.

Magic- This skill requires runes, which are the “batteries” of magic. You can cast different, more accurate, and stronger spells when raising this skill. This is another combat stat.

Runecrafting- The name says it all; you can make the runes which power your spells. This requires rune essence, available after you complete the Rune Mysteries Quest.

Hitpoints- One of the four melee combat skills, raising the skill determines how much HP (hitpoints) you have until you die in combat.

Crafting- A fairly hard skill unless you are a member, this allows you to make different crafts, such as leather armor, pots, bowls, and jewelry. Also, you can cut different gems when raising it.

Mining- A profitable skill, requires just a pickaxe to do. You can enter the Mining Guild with level 60 mining. You can save these ores and smelt them, or sell them.

Smithing- Goes hand in hand with mining, you smelt the ores you obtain, and then you can smith the bars you smelted into weapons, armor, and other useful things such as nails. Also a profitable skill, can be expensive if you buy bars instead of mining them.

Fishing- You can fish different fish when raising this skill, and use different fishing tools. The highest fish to obtain in nonmembers in a swordfish, available, as well as lobsters, only on the docks of Karamja.

Cooking- This skill is related to fishing; players usually cook the fish that they fish. This can be useful during training or PKing, fish are always a good source of food. You can cook other foods, as well, though, such as bread, stew, and even pizza.

Firemaking- You make fires with this skill, pretty self-explanatory. You can cook on these fires that you make, or light them for quests. All you need is a tinderbox and logs for this simple skill.

Woodcutting- Another profitable skill, you use a woodcutting axe with a tree to cut the tree down and get logs. The higher this skill rises, the more and more valuable trees you can cut!

Music & Site Navigation

When playing on High Detail, there is a large variety of music you can listen to. Different music is obtained and able to be played at any time when you visit a certain location. So when you go to Location X, you get Location X music in your “jukebox,” or music collection.

You can let music play automatically, or select your own music, and even loop a song to play it over and over again. You can also adjust the volume of music in the player controls menu (the wrench). Site Navigation at http://www.runescape.com/, there is more than just the game.

Here you will find a map of the entire RuneScape world, a detailed manual on every aspect of the game, a list of rules, Frequently Asked Questions, and many other things. I suggest browsing the site and looking at the manual and rules before playing RuneScape, you will get a better picture of the game in your mind .

Another AngleStarting

Angle Starting off in Runescape being level 3 at practically everything isn’t easy, but once you get your feet off the ground its much easier. Obviously the best place to start would be getting your ‘Basic Combat’ stats up. These 3 skills are attack, strength and defense. There are others such as ranged, magic, prayer and hit points but they are not necessary to do as soon as you start.

As I said basic combat is the place to start. Well where are you going to train? There are 2 options which we recommend. The first one is fighting goblins. They are just across the bridge from where you start. The coins they drop may be petty, but it is necessary to start collecting NOW.

The other place I mentioned is fighting against cows. There will be some higher level players here trying to collect ‘cow hides’ but just ignore them and concentrate on fighting cows. It might also be handy to collect the meat they drop after they die so you can cook and eat it to replenish your health. The cows are just north of the goblins.

I suggest, as you have only just started, to get your Attack, Strength and Defense up to around lvl 5 each. By now your combat level should grown a few levels as well (around 7). So now your attack, strength and defense are 5, so what next?

A good place to get some money to start off is to do the chefs assistant quest. As you can’t do much in Lumbridge, I suggest that you take a trip to Varrock. Follow the map shown below to get there. Varrock is usually known as the center point of Runescape as it is between Lumbridge and Falador (2 other towns). There are heaps of quests that you can start here as well as many shops. It also plays host to an entrance to the Wilderness. A warning, enter the wilderness at your own risk. In the wilderness other people can attack you and take your items!

Just west of Varrock is a small village known as Barbarian Village. Here is an excellent place to train. You will need something to replenish your health as barbarian’s level ranges from 7-8. Inside the pub there is beer which will heel you 1 hit point but it will alter your attack levels. If you have some cooked meat leftover from the cows you should use that. If you follow the path west again you’ll find a place called Falador, but you’ll have to discover that yourself!